

Notice of the company’s name change

Gdy­nia,  16.06.2023


Noti­ce of the company’s name change

We here­by inform that the name of our com­pa­ny will be chan­ged from its cur­rent wording:

Izo­han spół­ka z ogra­ni­czo­ną odpo­wie­dzial­no­ścią (Izo­han limi­ted lia­bi­li­ty company)

to the new wording:

NEXLER limi­ted lia­bi­li­ty company

The expec­ted date of the chan­ge is sche­du­led on June 30, 2023. We will inform you abo­ut the exact date by e‑mail.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that the chan­ge con­cerns only the name of our com­pa­ny. In addi­tion, new e‑mail addres­ses @nexler.com will also be intro­du­ced and repla­ce the pre­vio­usly used @izohan.eu addres­ses and the postal code will be updated.

Other data of our com­pa­ny, inc­lu­ding VAT UE, KRS, REGON, bank acco­unt num­bers, tele­pho­ne num­bers, regi­ste­red offi­ce address will rema­in unchanged.

The chan­ge of the com­pa­ny­’s name is the fol­lo­wing sta­ge of the rebran­ding pro­cess, which we have been con­si­sten­tly con­duc­ting sin­ce 2020. We are convin­ced that the exi­sten­ce of one brand in pla­ce of seve­ral ones will signi­fi­can­tly impro­ve reco­gni­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion. It will also ena­ble more effi­cient and effec­ti­ve buil­ding of the bran­d’s posi­tion towards your clients, as well as towards con­trac­tors and investors.

We would like to men­tion that, in accor­dan­ce with appli­ca­ble law, the chan­ge of the com­pa­ny­’s name does not result in a chan­ge of an enti­ty that was and still is a Par­ty to the conc­lu­ded Agre­ements. The chan­ge of the name also does not cau­se any modi­fi­ca­tions in terms of lia­bi­li­ties incur­red by our com­pa­ny, or mutu­al rights and obli­ga­tions ari­sing from the conc­lu­ded Con­tracts and does not requ­ire anne­xing them.

Below we pro­vi­de the cur­rent data of our com­pa­ny and ask you to inc­lu­de this chan­ge in all new docu­ments sent to us. We will inform you abo­ut the exact date in a sepa­ra­te e‑mail.


Cur­rent com­pa­ny details:

Nexler Sp. z.o.o.

ul. Łużyc­ka 2

81–537 Gdy­nia

VAT UE: PL5862073821

REGON: 191528483

KRS: 0000063616



Data publikacji: 27 czerwca 2023
